Here are 4 links that relate to Barrow what we are doing here. They might help you get a better idea of what we are up to:
(1) This is a link to a National Geographic video on whaling in Barrow. The Spring whaling season is just beginning here. It is vital to the culture and problematic for schooling. Our dorm parent Ruth showed us the full length film, but this is a quick 3 minute version. We recommend the full length if you can get it.

(2) This is the link to the school district we are working in. The North Slope Borough School District serves the entire North Slope of Alaska, including several small, rural villages. Check out the picture below for the villages.
(3) The place where we sleep and eat and study is Ilisagvik College in Barrow, the one and only tribal college. Take virtual tour, read what we are eating, check for polar bear alerts and more with this link.
(4) Athletics are huge here in Barrow (guess there isn't much else to do). ESPN has an article and video special that they did on the Barrow Whalers football team. Details on the travel and the million dollar stadium that was just built can be found in this article and video.
It is so good to have this to show my co-workers. They want to know more on what is happening and now they have it!! Loved all the links. Thanks.